πŸš€Building the $WOLF Pad: What To Know About Our Launchpad

Yeah, that's right!

Sitting 70% away from completion, our $WOLF Launchpad will serve as a dynamic and powerful platform for blockchain developers and token project owners. It's uniquely positioned to revolutionize the way projects gain visibility and traction in a competitive blockchain space, particularly on the Solana network.

Selective Project Onboarding

The $WOLF Pad is committed to maintaining a high standard of quality and utility, therefore, we only onboard Solana projects that offer tangible utility and real-world applications, ensuring long-term viability and growth. This is in alignment with our utility-centric approach, the Launchpad strictly excludes meme tokens, ensuring that only projects with substantial value and potential are promoted.

Marketing Through Raid-to-Earn Bot

At the heart of the $WOLF Launchpad's marketing strategy is our groundbreaking Raid-to-Earn bot. This feature transforms social media engagement into a potent tool for project marketing. By participating in organized Twitter/X raids, the $WOLF community amplifies the visibility and appeal of new projects, driving brand growth and digital publicity.

Benefits for Blockchain Developers and Project Owners

  • Enhanced Visibility: Leveraging the active $WOLF community, projects gain significant exposure, ensuring a wider reach and deeper market penetration.

  • Community Engagement: The Raid-to-Earn model fosters a strong sense of community involvement, with members actively participating in the promotion of new projects.

  • Incentivized Support: The community's engagement is not just voluntary; it's rewarded, creating a self-sustaining cycle of promotion and growth.

$WOLF Holders: Token Supply Allocation and Presales

An innovative aspect of the $WOLF Launchpad is our approach to token distribution and presales:

  • Supply Allocation to $WOLF Holders: A percentage of a new project’s token supply is earmarked for $WOLF holders, providing them early presale access, whitelists, and other incentives.

  • Participation Criteria: To partake in these presales, holders are required to maintain a certain percentage of the $WOLF supply (TBA), ensuring a committed and stable investor base.

  • Exclusive Access: This model grants $WOLF token holders exclusive opportunities to invest only in promising Solana utility projects as soon as they launch.

  • Revenue Sharing for WOLF NFT Holders: With our limited supply collection minting soon, we are introducing a utility model where NFT holders benefit and share from the ad revenue and funds generated by the Hunt Bot.

Last updated